New date for WKF
As we announced before, due to the coronavirus chaos in Europe we have been forced to put off the 11th Warsaw Kizomba Festival to another date.
At first we were seeking a possible date this year, unfortunately, almost ALL our Artists are fully booked until the end of 2020. The venue - Novotel hotel - doesn't have availability either :( That's why the only thing we can do is move the event one year ahead, to 2021. We are also moving it to the month of May, which is a much warmer and more stable time in Poland.
The new date is 14-16 May 2021. If possible, we encourage you to transfer your ticket to next year, this will be the best way to support the future of this event, as it has already suffered a huge damage due to COVID-19 epidemy this year. However if you prefer a refund instead, we are ready to do it.
We will start all refunds / transfers to 2021 after March 22nd. Please give us a few more days.
If the next year's date is unavailable for you, please check out other Warsaw dance events happening still this year - there are at least 3 festivals happening this summer and autumn. Our pick would be El Sol Festival 12-15 November 2020, at Sangate hotel (which is only a few hundred meters from Novotel).